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We have received your inquiry about the course brochure. You will receive the brochure in your email. Meanwhile, for an urgent requirement, you can directly call us on the number given below.
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Through our free trial class, you can have a 2-hour long interaction with our trainer. CIIM believes in offering complete transparency to each student.
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How does the Free Trial Class Work?

Enroll for our free trial class right away. Here is how it works:

  • Contact us via this form that you see on the right.
  • Our counsellor will call you back to book your preferred time slot for the free trial class. You can choose any mode of learning, either fully online or fully offline (classroom).
  • Once your free trial class is over, our counsellor will take your valuable feedback and arrange a batch for your preferred time slot.
  • Start learning from the best trainers at India’s #1 internet marketing institute.
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For queries, feedback & assistance
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